Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's just a... minor... compulsion...

So I have officially butchered my sleep cycle this week--after only getting 4 hours of sleep last night, I conked out shortly after 1pm today and didn't wake up until dinner time. That said, my body is now under the illusion that we have an entire day to get the three reflection papers and journal card assignment done for tomorrow when in fact we only have a few hours left. So of course instead of starting those, I ended up on here. Cheers to self-discipline. 

Speaking of which, does anyone else have minor compulsions that, if you do not obey, you find yourself utterly incapable of doing anything else? I have this problem with art, and sometimes with writing. I'll be sitting at my desk, minding my own business, and suddenly *VWHOOMPH!* an image strikes me, and I have to have to have to creaaaate! [That doesn't mean these 'images' turn out particularly attractive, it just means Snowl will waste three hours a day working on them instead of doing what she needs to do. And then she wonders why she's up until 4 doing homework. Silly human.] My most recent obsession is a texture piece. I'm not really sure where I'm going with it yet, but it's the fourth piece I've done in this particular style, and it's the first piece I've done that involves multiple panels, so that's been a fun experiment. Last night instead of working on either of my papers due the next morning I found myself scribbling a Wordsworth poem on the metallic ocean waves. Then again today before my mind lapsed into blackness I found myself tearing dried leaves for forest texture while watching Prince Arthur flirt with the Once and Future Queen Gwenevere on youtube. [Good show, but the way, if anyone is into Arthurian legend or fantasy.] Is anyone else helplessly struck with a random compulsion from time to time? What do you find as your distractions? I can't help but notice these things happen most when I have too many other things going on to justify it, but I normally give in anyway. I have three other art pieces made this semester as proof. Bah.

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