Saturday, April 24, 2010


"My first thought upon seeing her was 'circumnavigate.'" 

[Be warned, Snowl's about to go into a rant.]

Alrighty boys--for any of you who failed to learn it in Social Relationships 101, -never- call a girl "round." Nothing good can come from it. Either she'll think you're calling her fat or well endowed. Either way, you're likely to get slapped. 

One of my creative writing buds recently decided to write a couple of his gal-friends into his newest story. Yes! A character based on me--how exciting, right? Such an honor! Said writer friend even gave me a list of special power options to pick from. I was pretty pumped about it. Who wouldn't want to be portrayed as an epic sassy heroine with mad fighting skills? Who even trains owls to do her bidding? Pretty cool, huh? I thought so until said name-sake character was introduced with the rotund adjective "round." And he wasn't saying I was well endowed. In fact, said "friend" thought it would be a cute idea to base the character's appearance on her owl-loving. So she has a round face, round glasses, etc etc. *POP!* There went my starry-eyed dreams of epicness. (Not that there is anything wrong with being round, it's just not particularly fearsome. Feeear the Snowl.) [I personally loved my character--who wouldn't want to be based on an Eurasian Eagle Owl? So stylin'.] Oh, and Orville made it into the story too. He does my bidding and talons-attacks my enemies. Owl-minion, attack! [...] *Orville slashes foes to shreds* Snowl: MWAHAHAH! I am invincible!! >=D [Don't let this go to your head, Snowl.] Right. Sorry. So anywho, after reading this line, and then having a couple other fellow-writers read it, our little anime-loving-nerd-group-of-awesomeness proceeded to give feedback on the writing. Which then turned into a series of 'round' jokes. [Hence the quote at the top.] And although said writing friend hopefully knows I was joking about taking offense to this description (after all, it's not like I can manipulate water in real life either) (that you know of), it still seemed worth noting to all other young men (who hope to reproduce someday) that your life will be considerably easier if you learn a few tips on what to say (or not to say) to a girl. "Round" would be one of the words to avoid. [Duly noted.]

Thus ends my rant for the evening. Have a good night--and when you're reading a new best selling fantasy in a few years with an owl girl complete with a trained minion named Orville, you can grin at knowing the backstory to this tale. 


  1. Awww I'm sorry. This is exactly why I avoid writing my friends or family members into my story. I'm always afraid that I'll somehow offend them by my description of them, or portrayal in some other way. :(

  2. This is truth straight from the pulpit. Artistic liberties can be way out of context. Although our anime night reminded me of everything I love about life and nerdy friends, the ended kind of made me want to slap snarky nerd boys everywhere. There is a distinct difference between good wit and plain snarkiness. One says, "I am a stud and an intellectual." The other says, "I am a punk and I still wet my bed sometimes... but only when I miss my mommy." Don't worry snowl, either said individuals will grow up or they will not reproduce due to Natural Selection. Believe me, I am a scientist.

  3. lol... thanks MJ. I had a lot of fun that night too. I just felt like it ended on a slightly bitter note. =/ Which is why I generally tell people I'm not allowed out in public after 8 pm, heh.
