Saturday, April 17, 2010

Intros and whatnot.

Hello friends! First with intros. Fyi, there will be two voices randomly commenting in this blog, both myself (please, call me Snowl), and my dear-and-(reluctantly)-constant companion Orville. *points to Orville's mugshot*

I hope our random ramblings will be worthy of your time.

I've never fully understood the purpose of blogging (or Twitter for that matter), but after several encouragements for pursuing this outlet at Calvin College's Festival of Faith and Writing this past week, myself and a few friends have decided to give it a go. (Lord help us.) Now these same friends are urging me to wrap it up to crash the hotel pool on our last night of freedom before returning to good old MO--so for now I'll duck out. Looking forward to many prospective adventures with you,

Your (soon-to-be-soggy) friend,


  1. Does Orville like the Orville Wright popcorn or whatever? hahaha

  2. No, Orville actually strongly dislikes popcorn. I named him that just to spite him.

    He's loved me ever since. :)
