Tuesday, June 1, 2010

blah blah blah (gotta love the originality...)

Today was a gray day that could have never happened and my life would be the same.

These days make me melancholy.

Work went well, I suppose; it was just me and the boss in the office--did some editing, filed files for about 3 hours... got stuff done, left around 4.

Zoomed 45 miles south to pick up the room mates from the airport--it's about a 50 minute drive, and ol' Trisk only gets about 18 miles a gallon on a good day, and this was through mild mountains--you do the math--so the landlord-roomie graciously gives me 10 bucks off this month's rent. The other roomie skipped the thank you and went right into an accusation about not moving the trash bin away from the street. Whatever. Next time they can get a taxi and save me two hours and 30 bucks. *grumblegrumblegrumble* Or just fly out of the airport in the town we live in... heaven forbid you spend the extra 20 bucks and save someone else the hassle and gas money to take you and pick you up. Sorry, I'm venting.

Finally getting back was nice--tried out a new chinese place with one of my favorite people, then crashed on her couch for about 20 minutes later on, ha. [Snowl has excellent social skills as I'm sure you can tell.]

Made it home for the night around 8-ish, cleaned some dishes, attempted to accomplish something with my bank account online but of course the bloody thing decided to freeze up, so I suppose I'll phone tomorrow about it... so I called it quits put in a movie and painted for two hours. Ironically, my hand randomly selected 'He's not that into you' from my movies case [she's useless in decision-making when like this so I actually picked for her] but it was basically perfect for my recent grumble-state about relationships in general. [[I promise I'm not usually this moody. *sigh* I hate feeling this way. angst angst angst. Thank you, Tiny Tim, for the word of the weekend.]] And to top off my evening, while I was finally starting to calm down for the night I spotted a centipede-like demon-bug scurrying under my bed. How wonderful. Now I won't be able to sleep tonight.

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