Thursday, January 20, 2011


I would be concerned at my lack of blogging lately, but it seems Orville picked up the slack for me... floppy little punk.

It's odd how a sudden lack of drama in one's life results in fewer blog rants. ... Actually, I suppose it isn't that odd. That said, there is (happily?) less drama in my life these days. Christmas break was wonderfully relaxing, my migraines finally ceased and I'm off the RX for them, and my darling roomie (now suitie) is back this semester. On top of that, I've only got 2 required classes left to graduate, meaning the rest of my final semester of college is filled up with fun art classes (huzzah!). Epiphany is still swinging, I'm still working in the PR office at the university, and I still sit in on floor council meetings to add my random comments and quirky remarks. Overall, things look promising for these final months at Evangel.

In retrospect, there are several moments since my last blog post that weigh on me with dull pangs of loss yet fondness. I'll treasure the memory of that silly boy who partnered with me in swing dancing, at first restrained, yet, after being told by the instructor that this was his chance to toss me around a bit, suddenly energetic and in command. I'll smile fondly at my pensieve when watching another instructor ask to borrow me for a demonstration, and how my partner at first refused to share me, and how he stepped up his efforts and aggressiveness to learn the steps after said cut-in. I'll remember the Wednesday getaways, stealing off to the nature center for a picnic and walk (and homework that was never touched).

I'll always smile at the image of that silly turnip with a sharpied face, the words "Harvest Fest?" inked on the back. I grin at fights to be king/queen of the hill/rock in Jordan Valley park, and random reading sessions on blankets in parks throughout Springfield. I roll my eyes at the silly Skype convos, whether deep or random banter, and how the program so enjoyed cutting out at its pleasure, leaving us to grumble and groan. I'll remember the mutual growth, and the conversations that let us push each other.

Who can forget anime nights? or dinner at the wise ol' Prof's? Death Note. ftw.

I'll remember the darker times too, when friends fell on low spirits and called, when the best way to speak was through words on a white board, and chocolate proved (as usual) priceless.

But there were highlights! Hello, Renfest!! The lovely "Renee" in gold and red threads, the small-one (who I still family:optima should have bought those elf ears!), and of course, the boyzz whom we dragged through it all (you know they loved it, if nothing else, then for those naughty-dirty pirates). HA! Wonderful times.

imho, the fall semester of 2010 was the most difficult I had to plough through in my college career, and I feel as if I didn't escape it completely unscarred--but scrapes help us grow, no?

Perhaps this isn't the most insightful blog I've posted, but I wanted to preserve, in type, some memories from this past year. I'm excited for what the following months hold, and I'm grateful for the people on this journey with me.

Onward, to the CENTER of the EARTH! (or at least to graduation in May!)


  1. au contraire, I loved this blog! memories are the best. and of course I can add to your list: amy forgetting me on a w1s andy's ambush, making amy tea when she was going insane on a weekly basis, amy forgetting me on another late night andy's run... since you SO love to mention a couple of the aforementioned items ;o)

    you are a blessing to me. college would not have been (agh! that tense!) half as fun without you, your roommate-ness, orville's glares, and your endless stash of tea and brewed pots of coffee. I love you!

  2. Aww, thanks Amy! I love you too. (even if you did forget me for andy's runs...) ;)

    And of course there were the four years of MLK weekend escapes! Yayyy guacamole and apples to apples! =D
